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Azure OpenAI

Using Azure OpenAI with Foyle

    What You’ll Learn

    How to configure Foyle to use Azure OpenAI


    1. You need an Azure Account (Subscription)
    2. You need access to Azure Open AI

    Setup Azure OpenAI

    You need the following Azure OpenAI resources:

    • Azure Resource Group - This will be an Azure resource group that contains your Azure OpenAI resources

    • Azure OpenAI Resource Group - This will contain your Azure OpenAI model deployments

      • You can use the Azure CLI to check if you have the required resources

        az cognitiveservices account list --output=table
        Kind    Location    Name            ResourceGroup
        ------  ----------  --------------  ----------------
        OpenAI  eastus      ResourceName    ResourceGroup
      • Note You can use the pricing page to see which models are available in a given region. Not all models are available an all regions so you need to select a region with the models you want to use with Foyle.

      • Foyle currently uses gpt-3.5-turbo-0125

    • A GPT3.5 deployment

      • Use the CLI to list your current deployments

        az cognitiveservices account deployment list -g ${RESOURCEGROUP} -n ${RESOURCENAME} --output=table
      • If you need to create a deployment follow the instructions

    Setup Foyle To Use Azure Open AI

    Set the Azure Open AI BaseURL

    We need to configure Foyle to use the appropriate Azure OpenAI endpoint. You can use the CLI to determine the endpoint associated with your resource group

    az cognitiveservices account show \
    --name <myResourceName> \
    --resource-group  <myResourceGroupName> \
    | jq -r .properties.endpoint

    Update the baseURL in your Foyle configuration

    foyle config set azureOpenAI.baseURL=https://endpoint-for-Azure-OpenAI

    Set the Azure Open AI API Key

    Use the CLI to obtain the API key for your Azure OpenAI resource and save it to a file

    az cognitiveservices account keys list \
    --name <myResourceName> \
    --resource-group  <myResourceGroupName> \
    | jq -r .key1  > ${HOME}/secrets/azureopenai.key

    Next, configure Foyle to use this API key

    foyle config set azureOpenAI.apiKeyFile=/path/to/your/key/file

    Specify model deployments

    You need to configure Foyle to use the appropriate Azure deployments for the models Foyle uses.

    Start by using the Azure CLI to list your deployments

    az cognitiveservices account deployment list --name=${RESOURCE_NAME} --resource-group=${RESOURCE_GROUP} --output=table

    Configure Foyle to use the appropriate deployments

    foyle config set azureOpenAI.deployments=gpt-3.5-turbo-0125=<YOUR-GPT3.5-DEPLOYMENT-NAME>


    Rate Limits

    If Foyle is returning rate limiting errors from Azure OpenAI, use the CLI to check the rate limits for your deployments

    az cognitiveservices account deployment list -g ${RESOURCEGROUP} -n ${RESOURCENAME}

    Azure OpenAI sets the default values to be quite low; 1K tokens per minute. This is usually much lower than your allotted quota. If you have available quota, you can use the UI or to increase these limits.