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Use Cases

Examples of using RunMe and Foyle to solve problems

1 - Email Processing

Search Gmail and classify and extract information

What You’ll Learn

This guide walks you through

  • Searching Gmail using the gctl CLI
  • Downloading Gmail with gctl CLI
  • Extracting information from emails using the llm CLI

For a demo video see here.

This document is intended to be opened and run in RunMe.


Clone the Foyle repository to get a copy of the document.

git clone /tmp/foyle

Open the file foyle/docs/content/en/docs/use-cases/ in RunMe.

Install Prerequisites

Install the llm CLI

Using pip

pip install llm

Download the latest release of gctl

TAG=$(curl -s | jq -r '.tag_name')
# Remove the leading v because its not part of the binary name
OS=$(uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
ARCH=$(uname -m)
echo latest tag is $TAG
echo OS is $OS
echo Arch is $ARCH
echo Downloading $LINK
wget $LINK -O /tmp/gctl

Move gctl onto your PATH

chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/gctl
sudo mv /tmp/gctl /usr/local/bin/gctl

Search For Emails

Search for emails using the gctl CLI

  • Change the search query to match your use case
  • You can refer to the Gmail search documentation
  • Or if you’ve enabled Foyle you can just describe the search query in natural language in a markdown cell and let Foyle figure out the syntax for you!
gctl mail search "kamala" > /tmp/list.json
cat /tmp/list.json

Extract Information From The Emails

  • Describe a simple program which uses the gctl CLI to read the email messages and then extracts information using the LLM tool
  • Then let Foyle generate the code for you!

Here is an example program that generated the code below:

  • Loop over the json dictionaries in /tmp/list.json
  • Each dictionary has an ID field
  • Use the ID field to read the email using the gctl command
  • Save the email to the file /tmp/message_${ID}.json
  • Pipe the email to the llm tool
  • Use the llm tool to determine if the email is from the Kamala Harris campaign. If it is extract the unsubscribe link. Emit the data as a JSON dictionary with the fields
    • from
    • isKamala
    • usubscribeLink
for id in $(jq -r '.[].ID' /tmp/list.json); do
  gctl mail get "$id" > "/tmp/message_${id}.json"
  cat "/tmp/message_${id}.json" | llm "Is this email from the Kamala Harris campaign? If yes, extract the unsubscribe link. Output a JSON with fields: from, isKamala (true/false), unsubscribeLink (or null if not found)" 